ADSL Bandwidth Estimator
Usage Instructions
- Enter the desired wire guage, wire distances, and cable types.
- Enter any optional comments.
- Click the Voice Engineering tab or the Data Engineering tab on the ADSL Bandwidth Estimator to view results.
- Print or Save the loop makeup as needed.
The ADSL Bandwidth Estimator is designed to represent a customer's loop on a ped by ped basis. In this way it can provide installation points for the Widearea AER800 series Loop Extender that mirrors your own access to the loop plant.
If your loop makeup involves aerial cable, the ADSL Bandwidth Estimator provides temperature settings to examine the effect of extreme temperatures on the loop makeup. it is important to examine these results as it is sometimes possible to install an extender during the winter that will not work during the warmer summer months due to increased resistance on the line.

Version: 4.5